Home Europe Germany Berlin RABBITS IN NO MAN'S LAND



Messingkaninchen, on the corner of Liesenstrasse and Chausseestrasse

Berlin has 50 rabbits. There are probably a few more in total, but 50 are made of brass and glisten at the former border crossing between the districts of Wedding and Mitte. Originally there were 120. The artist Karla Sachse created her project in 1999 as a memorial to the rabbits which had lived in the death strip, the no man’s land between the two parts of the Berlin Wall. For the rabbits, this deadly area was a land of milk and honey – full of grass and with no cars. Today, the remaining rabbits can still be seen at the corner of Liesenstrasse and Chausseestrasse. Some of them look a little worse for wear but fortunately a compassionate resident keeps an eye on their condition, and has also created a website for the animals. Who knows? Perhaps, with the help of your donation, all 120 will soon be back hopping across the asphalt.
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