
Pala di Santo Spirito - Via Torquato Tasso 100

On the interior of the Pala di Santo Spirito, an oil painting on a square board, the saints are adoring the Madonna with baby Jesus in her arms. Under a dark tent and a sky which seems to be exploding into fire, there is a sufficiently curious dialogue similar to the dynamics of a modern talk show: every main character in the scene is called upon to state their own opinion without raising their voice and not even talking over someone. Apart from directing the conversation, Maria seems to be responding to the questions about the saint on the left, after having given him the powers of speech following a sign made with her hand. On the right, the personages wait their turn and listen. Saint Catherine questions the spectator and the lamb at the foot of the throne would also like to be heard out, to say that the embrace it is currently in is too tight.
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