
Villa Pallavicini - Via San Bartolomeo degli Armeni 25

Charles Dickens had never heard such an irregular, spasmodic, and loud sound. The sound of the bells pealing from the city towers was heard all the way to Villa Pallavicini, the writer’s residence, and disrupted him while he stared at a blank page yet to be filled. One day, along with the usual metallic and deafening sound, the idea for his story also came: “A Christmas Carol”, Stave 1: the sound of pealing bells announcing Marley’s death. The villa, an enchanted location, with the scents of its garden, its terraces and arches and the stunning view of the city and harbor, didn’t directly make it to Dickens’ Christmas tale, but they remained in his heart like a beautiful dream. A visit to the quintessence of happiness!
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