
Borgo Vecchio

Palermo is a city of sun, sea, historic buildings, and churches… but its landscape is equally completed by the perfumes and tastes of its extremely rich food variety. The stigghiola is the diamond point of its on-the-road cuisine. It is a peasant food, prepared and served in the street by the so-called stigghiolaru. It is made of young goat meat or chicken’s gut, washed in water and salt, spiced with parsley and onion, on a stick and wrapped around a leek, and cooked directly on the fire. They are served warm, with the addition of salt and lemon. Specialized kiosks are easily distinguished by the scented cloud it is wrapped around in, and a small crowd of hungry people surrounding it. The stigghiola is a typical Sicilian specialty, officially recognized as such by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Policies.
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