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Orti Giuli - Via Belvedere

“Perché non mancasse degno luogo” (“so that a worthy location shan’t lack”) states the inscription at the entrance of the Orti Giuli, the 1800s-style garden along the walls commissioned by the Della Rovere noble family. The count Francesco Cassi wished for the gardens to begin from a hill extending from the Bastione del Carmine (a bastion of Pesaro’s walls): his cousin, the scholar Giulio Perticari to which the garden is dedicated, often went there to think and find peace.
Thanks to the restructuring work of engineer Pompeo Mancini, the desolate place beloved by Giulio turned into a well-kept garden embellished by thousands of plants and archeological findings.
Today, not only Giulio Perticari, but also the people of Pesaro, have “a worthy location” at their disposal.
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