Reggio emilia

Il Mauriziano - Via Amendola, 4

In the distant September 8th of 1474, Reggio Emilia gave birth to the great poet who wrote Orlando furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando). Il Mauriziano is the 1400s villa where Ludovico Ariosto stayed for extended periods of time. To enter it, you will walk under a 1500s cotto arch and cross a long tree-lined road. In the east wing of the building, partially made of 14th-century remains, don’t let the names trick you: you won’t be able to try on the clothes you just bought downtown in the "Camerino dei Poeti" (poet’s changing room), the "Camerino degli Orazi e Curiazi" (Horatii and Curatii changing room), or the "Camerino dell'Ariosto" (Ariosto’s changing room), but only enter and admire the beauty of the 1500s frescoes depicting hunting and love scenes, landscapes, historical episodes, and portraits of men of literature, perfectly in harmony with the noble and literary taste of the time. And one thing’s for sure, as you walk through the palace you will definitely feel a bit of a royal vibe.
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