Home Europe Italy Rimini A MIRACULOUS STATUE



Chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie - via delle Grazie 10

The church of the Madonna delle Grazie Built at the beginning of the 1300’s, the building at the foot of the Colle di Covignano resides on a chapel connected to a strange and miraculous legend which ties Rimini to Venezia. The main part of the story is a statue made by Rustico, a farmer who found a piece of wood and wanted to make a statue to dedicate to the Madonna. The sculpture was completed thanks to two angels who asked the youth to put the handicraft on a boat and let it float out to sea. The statue arrived as far as Cannareggio and helped two people who found it to regain their sight and their voice. This ancient story of the past is remembered at the Santuario and from the ceiling on the ship’s hull
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