
Torre Pedrera

The story tells of a little artificial island – the Isola delle Rose (island of roses) – built in the 1960s a few miles off the coast of Torre Pedrera (the “tower for rocks”), a bathing area close to Rimini, named after the ancient tower standing next to a river used for gravel extraction. Since it was in international waters, the island was self-declared an independent state, with its own currency, Esperanto as its official language, and a café, hotel, and independent radio in its 400 square-meters. Excessively revolutionary in its current of thought and political ideas, the island was accused of occupying an area destined to submarine excavation, as well as hiding a tax haven. Its history ended after only an year, with an explosion and consequent evacuation. Now all that’s left is the sea to commemorate its free and rebellious spirit.
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