Home Europe Italy Rovereto A SPECTACULAR VACATION



Teatro Zandonai - Corso Bettini 82

The Teatro Zandonai, built in 1782 as commissioned by the Count Alberti and designed by the Bolognaise architect Filippo Maccari, is perhaps the only example of a theater named after a living artist, who was still very young and at the peak of his creativity. When Riccardo Zandonai staged Francesca da Rimini (an opera based on the play by Gabriele D’Annunzio), the town celebrated twice: his first work brought to the stage of Rovereto corresponded to the beginning of the theater season after the interruption due to the Great War.
For Rovereto, Zandonai was already like a son – who reached the town to spend his summer holidays – and became the pride and joy of music to whom the city dedicated a theater.
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