

The pappa al pomodoro (“tomato mush”) is a typical Tuscan dish, born to reuse old bread in an easy and even healthy recipe. Considered a fair and square youth elixir due to its genuine ingredients – unsalted Tuscan bread, extra-virgin olive oil, and tomatoes – it is a symbol of the regional cuisine and nobody knows its original recipe. It is a simple dish, but is at the same time surprising every time you taste it! Its recipe is quite eradicated in the Italian culture in general, thanks to the adventures of the character Gian Burrasca in the tales written by “Vamba”, who revolts against the terrible food given to him at his boarding school, asking to be given this delicious specialty. Always in the spotlight, Pappa al pomodoro is also the title of a famous song by the 1960s singer Rita Pavone, who turned it into an unforgettable chorus.
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