The Museum Twins

The Museum Twins


Gospodar Jevremova 19

The History of Architecture
The beginnings of the Serbian state, as is the case with many other states, have been built on the grounds of differentiation from what was before. So, when the pig merchant Božić built his house, he focused on differentiation from the Turkish building style. More so, as his direct neighbor, the house that shared the yard, was a prime example of ottoman architecture. Mister Božić seems to have been a thorough builder – making the walls of his house nearly two meters thick. But maybe he just wanted to make a statement: this house is here to last, as were the hopes for the Serbian state as well. And still the house stands, providing the home for the Serbian theatre museum, sharing the yard with the mentioned ottoman house, which houses a museum dedicated to the two fathers of Serbian national and cultural heritage. That is a statement as well.  
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