Home Europe Italy Naples A DEAD MAN’S NOUGAT




In Naples, the cult of the dead keeps being passed on from generation to generation; fearlessly, respectfully, and perhaps with a pinch of irony. The dead never really die, they stay by our side to guide us and, should it be necessary, even help us. Just like Eduardo De Filippo stated in one of his most famous comedies: the dead are under our carpets, our chairs, our furniture. An argument that is particularly valid especially on the night between November 1st and 2nd, on which (according to an ancient popular belief) the buried are allowed to come back to visit their loved ones. The day of the dead in Naples is not just a day of remembrance, but also a day of celebration! The tradition has it that every good fiancée must bring the torrone dei morti (“nougat of the dead”) as a gift to his future wife’s family. The torrone dei morti is very soft, almost creamy, and encased in a thick chocolate shell.
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