Home Europe Italy Palermo THE WITCH’S VINEGAR



Piazza Zisa

Legend tells that the old lady Giovanna was at the herbalist’s, when a mother brought her moribund daughter to him, saying she had drank “lice vinegar”, a mixture of vinegar and arsenic. The herbalist made the child drink olive oil until she vomited and was safe. Giovanna bought some of the dangerous vinegar and started selling it as a liquor to help wives that wished to get rid of their husbands. Deaths increased, and when the doctors were called to the sickbed of the unfortunate they just couldn’t figure out the causes. The sudden death of her son, and equally hasty second wedding of her daughter-in-law arose the suspect of a woman who pretended to want to buy a dose of vinegar from the shop. But she brought with her 4 witnesses and there they caught Giovanna red-handed, who was thus sentenced to death for witchcraft. But don’t be too sure her ghost is gone…
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